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Schools Offering American History Bachelor's Degrees

In 2024, we ranked 15 schools providing American history bachelor's degrees.

The best American history bachelor's degree program in the United States is offered by United States Military Academy. That school offers a great American history bachelor's degree program evaluated with five-star rating for curriculum and three-star rating for teaching.

See the top schools awarding American history bachelor's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

American history bachelor's degree schools:

United States Military Academy - History School Ranking
1. United States Military Academy

Located in West Point, New York

United States Air Force Academy - History School Ranking
2. United States Air Force Academy

Located in USAF Academy, Colorado

University of Idaho - History School Ranking
3. University of Idaho

Located in Moscow, Idaho

Lesley University - History School Ranking
4. Lesley University

Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Salem State University - History School Ranking
5. Salem State University

Located in Salem, Massachusetts

Harding University - History School Ranking
6. Harding University

Located in Searcy, Arkansas

University of Washington Tacoma - History School Ranking
7. University of Washington Tacoma

Located in Tacoma, Washington

Delaware State University - History School Ranking
8. Delaware State University

Located in Dover, Delaware

Keene State College - History School Ranking
9. Keene State College

Located in Keene, New Hampshire

Lycoming College - History School Ranking
10. Lycoming College

Located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania

Dordt University - History School Ranking
11. Dordt University

Located in Sioux Center, Iowa

Mount Vernon Nazarene University - History School Ranking
12. Mount Vernon Nazarene University

Located in Mount Vernon, Ohio

Bard College at Simon's Rock - History School Ranking
13. Bard College

Located in Great Barrington, Massachusetts

William Peace University - History School Ranking
14. William Peace University

Located in Raleigh, North Carolina

Reinhardt University - History School Ranking
15. Reinhardt University

Located in Waleska, Georgia

History schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

University of Chicago - History School Ranking
University of Chicago

Located in Chicago, 4 bachelor's programs

Princeton University - History School Ranking
Princeton University

Located in Princeton, 1 bachelor's program

Harvard University - History School Ranking
Harvard University

Located in Cambridge, 8 bachelor's programs

Columbia University in the City of New York - History School Ranking
Columbia University in the City of New York

Located in New York City, 3 bachelor's programs

Yale University - History School Ranking
Yale University

Located in New Haven, 2 bachelor's programs

Brown University - History School Ranking
Brown University

Located in Providence, 6 bachelor's programs

University of Pennsylvania - History School Ranking
University of Pennsylvania

Located in Philadelphia, 4 bachelor's programs

University of California Los Angeles - History School Ranking
University of California Los Angeles

Located in Los Angeles, 4 bachelor's programs

New York University - History School Ranking
New York University

Located in New York City, 3 bachelor's programs

University of Southern California - History School Ranking
University of Southern California

Located in Los Angeles, 4 bachelor's programs

American history bachelor's degrees by state:

Schools by State1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Arkansas1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Colorado1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Delaware1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Georgia1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Idaho1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Iowa3 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Massachusetts1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in New Hampshire1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in New York1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in North Carolina1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Ohio1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Pennsylvania1 American History Bachelor's Degree Schools in Washington

Other American history diplomas:

Certificates: 2 schools
Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Master's Degrees: 6 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 schools

Other history bachelor's degrees:

General History: 1,242 schools
European History: 8 schools
Ancient History: 62 schools
Medieval History: 36 schools
History of Science: 16 schools
Archeology and Paleontology: 34 schools
Preservation and Conservation: 11 schools
Archival Administration: 24 schools
Teacher Education: 189 schools

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